
Early access - Primacy OK

Early access - Primacy OK

Frustrated with keeping up to date with ever changing regulations, and the long list of legal rules you need to follow? Primacy OK is here to help. With Primacy OK you can identify and collect your regulatory obligations in an online rulebook, share them with your team, and connect them to your business.

Get started today creating your rulebook using our library of machine readable legislation, built using our OPTML technology. Coming very soon are tools to convert your own documents to OPTML format so you can add your them to your personal library, and then connect, share and use them all from one place.

Imagine having a library of legislation on a bookshelf with sticky tabs on every section of the law that applies to you - with Primacy OK, that library is now digital so that it’s searchable, sortable and sharable, and you don’t need a moving crew to carry it around with you! Your obligations will no longer be hard to find in websites, contracts, and manuals, with Primacy OK, they will be readily available for better decision-making.

Primacy OK helps connect obligations to everyday tasks across your whole team. Contact us for more information about how to connect your rulebook to code, use in test cases, or access via API. We are also building no-code integrations to applications and services.

Interested to learn more? Sign up for access here

About us

Primacy helps companies navigate heavily regulated environments in a constantly changing world by closing the gap between laws, regulations, and company's obligations and how they are applied in business operations.

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